Monday 2 November 2009

Interview with Kavita Baliga

First of the few interviews of TED India (2009) fellows that I got to take. Kavita Baliga is a faculty member of the KM Conservatory in Chennai. If that rings a bell, its probably because its music maestro AR Rahman's conservatory! A quick chat with the talented Kavita:

Tell us about yourself in a tweet (140 chars!) 
A staunchly passionate singer, pianist, painter, teacher, and recording artist with hippy ideals, but with sensitivity, motivation, and cynicism; the ever-hopeful Pessimist.

So you studied Western music at the Boston Conservatory, how did you land up in Chennai teaching it? My parents are a part of a cultural group called KAOCA – the Konkani Association of California.  The organization is dedicated to exposing second-generation Konkani American youth to Konkani culture, language, food, seminars, and entertainment. “Guitar” Prasanna; a talented and accomplished Jazz musician who experiments with everything from traditional South Indian Carnatic music to Jazz, to Classical to Pop, was invited to perform at the 2008 conference.  I had the opportunity to perform with him.  Prasanna, who has worked with A.R. Rahman on quite a few projects, recommended me for the faculty position at A.R.'s KM Conservatory in Chennai. 
I was in India 2 weeks later!

If you had to plan a career all over again, what would you choose?I would be a Chef.  I love food - the way it looks, the way it smells, the way it tastes.  I love presenting food in an artistic, beautiful way. 
I specifically love making main dishes into bite-sized delectable treats.
Yes. I’m a little bit crazyJ

What is the best compliment you've received, and from whom?
Oh Gosh, I’ve received oh so many, how can I choose?!  (I’m kidding.)  This might sound like a cop-out, but I tend to be genuinely surprised by and appreciative of any and all compliments. I particularly love the ones that make me laugh.  I recently sang an aria for a short film directed by Shekhar Kapur with music composed by A.R. Rahman.  I sang the aria at the premiere of the film at the Venice Film Festival.  After the performance, a stunned and happy Shekhar turned to A.R. and said “Where did you FIND this girl?!”

Tell us about a difficult period in your life, and how you got through it.
I was diagnosed with cancer 5 years ago at the age of 22– in fact, December marks the 5-year anniversary of being cancer-free! I spent six months going through chemotherapy and radiation therapy and re-evaluating my life.  I think that that period was the most productive time of my life.  I spent six months painting, writing, cooking, and making music.  I learned how to play the guitar.  I started composing music.  I learned sound engineering programs like Sound Forge and Acid Pro.  I analyzed the healthcare system in America.  I decided to start a blog.  To top it off, I was going through treatment during the 2004 presidential elections so I became very politically inclined during this period.  The paintings that I created during these months are my absolute favorite.  It’s such a strange and foreign emotion to feel like time could possibly be running out.
Since then I have tried my best to live life happily, and fruitfully. 
So far, so good.

Any specific talks're you looking forward to attending at TED India?
There isn’t any one talk that I am particularly looking forward to.  Since this is my first TED conference, I will be keeping an open ear and an open mind to all of them.

Top 3 quirks? :)
  I don’t like chocolate… or any sweets for that matter.
  I love oranges and anything made with oranges, but I hate orange juice.
  I’m extremely organized and methodical in every aspect of my professional life.  But my home is a pigsty.